Saturday, July 5, 2008

Angels That Care  Friendship train,120x120  Plug Boards all sizes,time banner

Angels That Care  Friendship train,120x120  Plug Boards all sizes,time banner

Enter the Next Generation PlugPanel.
Series-3 Next Generation Plugpanel takes us to the future and beyond, with up to date technologies like MySQL databasing, No knowledge of PHP or PERL required, a simple easy to use Adminstration Dashboard, not just to maintain, but to control different aspects of your PlugPanels in Real-time!

PlugPanel boasts features like Spam Protection - Exposure and Click counting - Easy Edit or Delete Plugs - Copy/Paste to Install - Multi-Featured User Friendly Dashboard - Controlled Non-Adult Advertising - Mouse-over Statistics on Every Plug - Ezi-Plugs to save entering Image URLs - Add or Remove Panels with one Click - Works in most Blogs - No FTP access required - and many many more features being added weekly

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008


Might want to put plugboard on sites that do not have one. Only fair to us that do!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

OziFree 2008 surprises

Perma-Plugs.... coming soon... add Perma links like a PlugPanel... easy to maintain.

All will be revealed here in the Forums.... shortly! There ya are Marcia, I posted here 4 you!

Plug Board

Plug Board